Daniela Gullotta was born in Bologna in 1974.
She studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
Between 1996 and 1998 she collaborated as art assistant in the studio of the artist Maurizio Bottarelli.
Graduated with honors from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1998.
In the same year she won the John Crane Scholarship for the Royal College of Art in London (Scholarship for a single student among all the Italian Academies).
She then moved to London and studied at the prestigious Royal College of Art where in 2000 she took the Master of Arts and won several awards including the Daler Rowney prize for drawing.
From the end of 2000 she began to exhibit in various group exhibitions for important galleries in London, Paris and New York.
In 2001 she was invited as Artist in Residence at the Cite’ lnternationale des Arts in Paris, where she stayed for 3 months.
From 2002 she also began to exhibit with the historic Marlborough Fine Art Gallery in London which in 2003 organized her first personal exhibition. In 2007 she was invited as Artist in Residence at the Monash University of Art Design & Architecture in Melbourne where she stayed for 2 months. From 2008 she also began to exhibit in Germany in Hannover with the Galerie Koch.
From 2023 she begins to exhibit with Almach Art Gallery in Milan.
Her paintings are exhibited nationally and internationally in group and personal exhibitions and are part of important private collections.
She lives and works in Bologna.
Daniela Gullotta è nata a Bologna nel 1974.
Studia pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna.
Tra il 1996 e il 1998 collabora come assistente nello studio dell’artista Maurizio Bottarelli.
Si diploma con il massimo dei voti all’Accademia di Belle Arti nel 1998.
Nello stesso anno vince la John Crane Scholarship per il Royal College of Art di Londra (Borsa di studio per un unico studente tra tutte le Accademie italiane).
Si trasferisce quindi a Londra e studia alla prestigiosa Royal College of Art dove nel 2000 prende il Master of Arts, in questi anni vince diversi premi tra cui il Daler Rowney prize for drawing.
Alla fine del 2000 inizia ad esporre in diverse mostre collettive per importanti gallerie di Londra, Parigi e NewYork.
Nel 2001 è invitata come Artist in Residence alla Cite’ lnternationale des Arts di Parigi, dove soggiorna per 3 mesi.
Dal 2002 inizia anche ad esporre con la storica galleria Marlborough Fine Art di Londra che nel 2003 organizza la sua prima mostra personale.
Nel 2007 è invitata come Artist in Residence presso la Monash University Art Design & Architecture di Melbourne dove soggiorna per 2 mesi.
Dal 2008 inizia anche ad esporre in Germania ad Hannover con la Galerie Koch.
Dal 2023 inizia ad esporre con Almach Art Gallery di Milano.
I suoi dipinti vengono esposti a livello nazionale ed internazionale in mostre collettive, personali e fanno parte di importanti collezioni private.
Vive e lavora a Bologna.